28 November 2012; Big Hike

DSC_0208On the third day of the trip I went hiking to a river/waterfall and to the Dinsho forest. Both of the hikes took over an hour, but the longest hike was the hike to the river. However, my favorite hike was to the Dinsho forest. I saw a warthog’s hole, and a female Nyala. When we finished hiking we had to do an experiment involving a tree. The experiment was to find the relationship between temperature and moisture of the soil from every one meter away from the base of the tree for seven meters. Every member of our group had a job to do, and that’s what got the job done. This experiment really showed our teamwork skills. I will have to say that Batch really showed his leadership skills during this experiment. For instance, when we go ran into troubles he kept contributing new ideas, which was really helpful. Overall, this was a fun experiment. The next thing we had to do is bug hunting. We caught the bugs by using sweeping nets, then once they were captured the bugs we put them in kill jars. Finally, we killed the bugs by using ammonia.  That was really fun. I caught all kinds of bugs; I even caught a frog and a chameleon. This was significant because we were the first group to find a chameleon in the Dinsho forest in ICS history. Next, I went on the hike to the river/waterfall. This hike had amazing scenery of the mountains. The most spectacular thing I saw was the waterfall, it was beautiful. On this hike I saw a male Nyala and a female Nyala. The male Nyala was very big. After, the waterfall we went hiking for about one and a half more hours to the river. My group had to do an experiment, which was to collect data from the river. The data was to collect the living or nonliving things from the river. My partners Osas and Penehafo went into the river and collected cool creature. My challenges for this hike were the scary heights and steep slopes. To face my challenges I didn’t look down during the scary heights, and I thought twice about each step during the steep slopes. To conclude, my positive moment of the hikes was catching a chameleon and seeing the amazing waterfall. My only negative moment of this trip was the scary heights and the long walk down to the river.

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