Batch’s Entry # 2: November 28, 2012: Real Day of Work!

Today was the real first day of work I mean it was really tough and tiring in my opinion. My group (A), we went into the forest in Dinsho, which was Afroalpine Woodland. We walked about 1-2km before arriving to the forest, when we arrived to the forest we were separated into our biology groups, in my group was: Aubrey, Oasas, Sarah, and Jessica. Our objective was to find a tree, and then find the temperature and moisture of the base of the tree. We had to do that for about 8 meters away from the tree, so every meter away from the base we would record the temperature of the soil and the moisture; it was a really fun activity to do. The materials we needed were as followed: Vampire stake, hammer, a pogo stick of hell/soil ogre, temperature probe, and a soil moisture probe. After that we did another activity that was catching insects, and then putting them in a jar. When we were done we took the insects and put them in a jar that contained ammonia, which killed them but preserved the insects bodies there was hardly any damage to the bodies. After lunch our group went to the river study, we hiked for about two hours before we actually got to the river. On the way there Ana W twisted her ankle so she could not continue and had to be taken back to the camping site.

When we got to the river two people fro my group got into the water with a net and had to stay until the caught stuff. I felt sorry for them because there was no sun and the water was really cold. My favorite part was the hiking, I really had some time to reflect on my self and it was a good experience I will never forget.

The challenge that was really hard for me was to listen to Ato Muhammad, it was challenging because his English was not very good. Also the other group members were talking over him, this was a great time to show my leadership skills for the benefit of the group. What I did was I stood up and told everybody to keep quiet because an adult was speaking. I saw some great leadership skills in Max Jarette he was really brave and said what he needed to when he needed to the group.

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