First day in the field

Yesterday, I woke up early to the freezing insides of my tent. The tent was wet to the touch and I was happy that I was sleeping in the middle because both Victor and Jonathan got wet and cold while I stayed dry but still cold. We then went to brush our teeth only to find out that the Warthogs were blocking our path, and so we had to scare them off with nearby stones and branches and it worked. We brushed our teeth, and me and Victor did the worst and washed our hair and because of that, we couldn’t feel our faces and fingers for a whole hour. We got dressed and went for breakfast which was again good as the dinner before. After dinner Group A set off to the Dinsho forest while group B set off on the river study and I and my group just happened to be in group A. Before we set out, Mr. Hathaway organized us and gave us the equipment we would need during the forest walk. We walked for a couple of minutes during which we tried to spot some Nyala but to no avail as none were seen. After a while we emerged at a clearing which was beautiful in its own eerie way. We did some tests concerning the trees and this was really fun and got me to know my classmates a little bit better. I really didn’t see leadership specifically in one person, but in all of us as we were all leaders in our different responsibilities. I believe that I showed leadership in the sense that I tried to be the muscle of the group and I tried to lead the group through the activities that involved muscle. After some time we then tried to catch some bugs and this was really fun as my group caught a chameleon, a frog and some cool bugs, but we had to let the chameleon and frog go. We the packed up our equipment and headed back to camp, where we ate lunch and got back together with the other group. After lunch, the groups switched activities and group A then set off to the river walk. The walk was long and strenuous as we walked for about 2-3 hours until we got to our destination. At the destination, two people from each group were to put on some overall like things and go into the river to take bug samples, and unluckily I was one of the two. The river was cold and the rocks at the bottom were slippery, and this made the study a whole lot worse but it was totally worth it because the people who did go into the river got a ride back to the bus. When we got back to the camp, I washed my face and tried to freshen up for dinner. It was a really good day because I got to see the mountains and some amazing view of the area but a moment I won’t be forgetting any time soon must be when Seema fell into the river J.

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